1. Axioms of Set Theory

A solutions manual for Set Theory by Thomas Jech

Part I: Basic Set Theory

1. Axioms of Set Theory

1.1. Verify (1.1)\(\qquad(a, b) = (c, d)\) if and only if \(a = c\) and \(b = d\).

Proof. \(\quad\)If \(a=c\) and \(b=d\), then \((a,b)=\{\{a\},\{a,b\} \}=\{\{c\},\{c,d\}\}=(c,d)\). Assume that \((a,b)=(c,d)\) and \(a=b\). Then \(\{\{c\},\{c,d\}\}=\{\{a\}\}\), thus \(\{c,d\}\in\{\{a\}\}\) and \(\{c\}\in\{\{a\}\}\), so \(\{c,d\}=\{a\}=\{c\}\). Hence \(c=d=a\). Since it was assumed that \(a=b\), \(a=c\) and \(b=d\). Assume that \((a,b)=(c,d)\) and \(a\neq b\). Since \(\{\{a\},\{a,b\}\}=\{\{c\},\{c,d\}\}\) and \(\{a\}\neq\{a,b\}\), \(\{c\} =\{a\}\) and \(\{a,b\} =\{c,d\}\). Therefore, \(c=a\) and \(d=b\).\(\quad\square\)

1.2. There is no set \(X\) such that \(P(X)\subset X\).

Proof. \(\quad\)If \(P(X)\subset X\), then there is a function \(f\) from \(X\) onto \(P(X)\). But the set \(Y =\{x\in X : x\notin f(x)\}\) is not in the range of \(f\): If \(z\in X\) were such that \(f(z)=Y\), then \(z\in Y\) if and only if \(z\notin Y\), a contradiction. Thus \(f\) is not a function of \(X\) onto \(P(X)\), also a contradiction.\(\quad\square\)

 \(\quad\)Let \[ \mathbb{N} =\bigcap\{X : X\text{ is inductive}\}. \] \(\mathbb{N}\) is the smallest inductive set. Let us use the following notation: \[ 0 =\emptyset,\quad 1 =\{0\},\quad 2 =\{0, 1\},\quad 3 =\{0, 1, 2\},\quad .... \] If \(n\in\mathbb{N}\), let \(n + 1 = n\cup\{n\}\). Let us define \(<\) (on \(\mathbb{N}\)) by \(n < m\) if and only if \(n\in m\).
 \(\quad\)A set \(T\) is transitive if \(x\in T\) implies \(x\subset T\).

1.3. If \(X\) is inductive, then the set \(\{x\in X : x\subset X\}\) is inductive. Hence \(\mathbb{N}\) is transitive, and for each \(n, n=\{m\in \mathbb{N} :m<n\}\).

Proof. \(\quad\)Let \(Y =\{x\in X : x\subset X\}\). Since \(\emptyset\subset X\) and \(\emptyset\in X\), \(\emptyset\in Y\). Now let \(y\in Y\). Since \(Y\subset X\) and \(X\) is inductive, \(y\in X\), i.e., \(\{y\}\subset X\), and \(y\cup\{y\}\in X\). Since \(y\subset X\), \(y \cup\{y\}\subset X\). Thus \(y\cup\{y\}\in Y\). Therefore, \(Y\) is inductive.
 \(\quad\)Let \(Y_\mathbb{N} =\{x\in\mathbb{N} : x\subset \mathbb{N}\}\), then \(Y_\mathbb{N}\subset\mathbb{N}\), and since \(Y_\mathbb{N}\) is inductive, \(\mathbb{N}\subset Y_\mathbb{N}\); thus \(\mathbb{N} = Y_\mathbb{N}\), and so we have that \(x\in\mathbb{N}\) implies \(x\subset\mathbb{N}\). Therefore, \(\mathbb{N}\) is transitive.
 \(\quad\)It’s clear that \(k\in n\cup\{n\}\) if and only if \(k \in n\) or \(k = n\). So it follows that for all \(k, n\in\mathbb{N}, k< n + 1\) if and only if \(k< n\) or \(k = n\). Now we show that for each \(n, n=\{m\in \mathbb{N} :m<n\}\) by induction. Let \(P(x)\) be the property “\(x =\{m \in\mathbb{N} : m < x\}\)”. \(P(0)\) holds, and assume that \(P(n)\) holds. \(n + 1\) \(=\) \(n\cup\{n\}\) \(=\) \(\{m\in\mathbb{N} : m < n\}\cup\{n\}\) \(=\) \(\{m\in\mathbb{N} : m < n\text{ or } m = n\}\) \(=\) \(\{m\in\mathbb{N} : m < n + 1\}\) \(=\) \(P(n+1)\) holds. Therefore, for each \(n, n\) \(=\) \(\{m\in\mathbb{N} :m<n\}\).\(\quad\square\)

1.4. If \(X\) is inductive, then the set \(\{x\in X : x\text{ is transitive}\}\) is inductive. Hence every \(n\in\mathbb{N}\) is transitive.

Proof. \(\quad\)Let \(Y =\{x\in X : x\text{ is transitive}\}\). Since \(\emptyset\in X\), and \(\emptyset\) is transitive, \(\emptyset\in Y\). Now let \(y\in Y\). Since \(Y\subset X\) and \(X\) is inductive, \(y\in X\) and \(y\cup\{y\}\in X\). If \(z\in y\cup\{y\}\), then either \(z\in y\) or \(z = y\); since \(y\) is transitive, in any case, \(z\subset y\cup\{y\}\). Thus \(y\cup\{y\}\) is transitive, and so \(y\cup\{y\}\in Y\). Therefore, \(Y\) is inductive.
 \(\quad\)Let \(Y_\mathbb{N} =\{x\in\mathbb{N} : x\text{ is transitive}\}\). \(Y_\mathbb{N}\subset\mathbb{N}\). Since \(Y_\mathbb{N}\) is inductive, \(\mathbb{N}\subset Y_\mathbb{N}\); thus \(\mathbb{N} = Y_\mathbb{N}\). Therefore, every \(n\in\mathbb{N}\) is transitive.\(\quad\square\)

1.5. If \(X\) is inductive, then the set \(\{x\in X : x\) is transitive and \(x\notin x\}\) is inductive. Hence \(n\notin n\) and \(n\ne n + 1\) for each \(n\in\mathbb{N}\).

Proof. \(\quad\)Let \(Y =\{x\in X : x\) is transitive and \(x \notin x\}\). \(\emptyset\in Y\). Now let \(y\in Y\). Since \(Y\subset X\) and \(X\) is inductive, \(y\in X\) and \(y\cup\{y\}\in X\). We already have that \(y\cup\{y\}\) is transitive. Suppose \(y\cup\{y\}\in y \cup\{y\}\). \(y\cup\{y\} = y\) or \(y\cup\{y\}\in y\), i.e., \(y\cup \{y\}\subset y\); in any case, \(\{y\}\subset y\), a contradiction. Thus \(y\cup\{y\}\notin y\cup\{y\}\), and so \(y\cup\{y\} \in Y\). Therefore, \(Y\) is inductive.
 \(\quad\)Let \(Y_\mathbb{N} =\{x\in\mathbb{N} : x\text{ is transitive and } x\notin x\}\), then \(Y_\mathbb{N}\subset\mathbb{N}\), and since \(Y_\mathbb{N}\) is inductive, \(\mathbb{N}\subset Y_\mathbb{N}\); thus \(\mathbb{N} = Y_\mathbb{N}\), and so \(n\notin n\). Suppose \(n+1=n\), i.e., \(n\cup\{n\} = n\), then \(\{n\}\subset n\), i.e., \(n\in n\); a contradiction. Therefore, \(n\notin n\) and \(n\ne n + 1\) for each \(n\in\mathbb {N}\).\(\quad\square\)

1.6. If \(X\) is inductive, then \(\{x\in X:x\) is transitive and every nonempty \(z\subset x\) has an \(\in\)-minimal \(\text{element}\}\) is inductive (\(t\) is \(\in\)-minimal in \(z\) if there is no \(s\in z\) such that \(s\in t\)).

Proof. \(\quad\)Let \(P(x)\) be the property “every nonempty \(z \subset x\) has an \(\in\)-minimal element” and let \(Y =\{x\in X : x\) is transitive and \(P(x)\}\). \(\emptyset\in Y\). Let \(y\in Y\). Since \(Y\subset X\) and \(X\) is inductive, \(y\in X\) and \(y\cup\{y\}\in X\). We already have that \(y \cup\{y\}\) is transitive. Now we show that \(P(y\cup\{y\})\) holds. \(y\notin y\); otherwise \(\{y\}\) \(\subset y\) does not have an \(\in\)-minimal element (\(\cdots y\in y \in y\cdots\)), a contradiction. There is no \(a\in y\) such that \(y\in a\); otherwise \(y\in a\in y\Rightarrow y\in a\subset y\Rightarrow y\in y\). Hence for every nonempty \(z\subset y\), if \(m\) is an \(\in\)-minimal element in \(z\) then so is in \(z\cup\{y\}\); otherwise \(y\in m\), a contradiction. Similarly, \(P(\{y\})\) holds; otherwise \(\cdots y\in y\in y\cdots\). Therefore, \(P(y\cup\{y\})\) holds and \(Y\) is inductive.\(\quad\square\)

1.7. Every nonempty \(X\subset\mathbb{N}\) has an \(\in\)-minimal element.
 \(\quad\)[Pick \(n\in X\) and look at \(X\cap n\).]

Proof. \(\quad\)Since \(\mathbb{N}\) is the smallest inductive set, by exercise 1.6, every \(n\in\mathbb{N}\) has an \(\in\)-minimal element. Let \(n\in X\). If \(n\cap X =\emptyset\), then \(n\) is an \(\in\)-minimal element. Suppose not. There exists \(m\in X \smallsetminus n\) such that \(m\in n\), but then since \(n=\{m\in\mathbb{N}: m<n\}\), \(n\cap X\neq\emptyset\); a contradiction. If \(n\cap X\neq \emptyset\), then \(n\cap X\) has an \(\in\)-minimal element, and it’s an \(\in\)-minimal element of \(X\); otherwise similarly to the previous, a contradiction.\(\quad\square\)

1.8. If \(X\) is inductive then so is \(\{x\in X:x=\emptyset\) or \(x=y\cup \{y\}\) for some \(y\}\). Hence each \(n\ne 0\) is \(m + 1\) for some \(m\).

Proof. \(\quad\)Let \(A =\{x\in X:x=\emptyset\text{ or }x= y\cup\{y\}\) for some \(y\}\) and let \(a\in A\) such that \(a\neq\emptyset\). Since \(a = y\cup \{y\}\) for some \(y\), so is \(a\cup\{a\}\) for \(a\), thus \(a\cup\{a\}\in A\). Therefore, \(A\) is inductive, and each \(n\ne 0\) is \(m + 1\) for some \(m\).\(\quad\square\)

1.9 (Induction). Let \(A\) be a subset of \(\mathbb{N}\) such that \(0 \in A\), and if \(n\in A\) then \(n+1\in A\). Then \(A=\mathbb{N}\).

Proof. \(\quad\)By definition, \(A\) is an inductive subset of \(\mathbb{N}\). Therefore, \(A =\mathbb{N}\).\(\quad\square\)

 \(\quad\)A set \(X\) has \(n\) elements (where \(n\in\mathbb{N}\)) if there is a one-to-one mapping of \(n\) onto \(X\). A set is finite if it has \(n\) elements for some \(n\in\mathbb{N}\), and infinite if it is not finite.
 \(\quad\)A set \(S\) is T-finite if every nonempty \(X\subset P (S)\) has a \(\subset\)-maximal element, i.e., \(u\in X\) such that there is no \(v\in X\) with \(u\subset v\) and \(u\ne v\). \(S\) is T-infinite if it is not T-finite. (T is for Tarski.)

1.10. Each \(n\in\mathbb{N}\) is T-finite.

Proof. \(\quad\)Let \(A =\{n\in\mathbb{N} : n\text{ is T-finite}\}\). We show that \(A =\mathbb{N}\) by induction.
 \(\quad\)\(P(\emptyset) =\{\emptyset\}\) has the only nonempty subset \(\{\emptyset\}\) that has a \(\subset\)-maximal element \(\emptyset\).
 \(\quad\)Let \(n\in A\), \(X\subset P(n + 1)\), and \(Y\subset P(n)\). \(X\) is either \(Y\) or \(\{x\cup\{n\} : x\in Y\)}. For the latter, let \(a\) be a \(\subset\)-maximal element of \(Y\). Then it’s clear that \(a\cup\{n\}\) is a \(\subset\)-maximal element of \(Z\). Therefore, \(X\) is T-finite.\(\quad\square\)

1.11. \(\mathbb{N}\) is T-infinite; the set \(\mathbb{N}\subset P\) (\(\mathbb{N}\)) has no \(\subset\)-maximal element.

Proof. \(\quad\)If \(n\in\mathbb{N}\), then there is \(n + 1\) such that \(n\subsetneq n + 1\). Therefore, \(\mathbb{N}\subset P(\mathbb{N})\) has no \(\subset\)-maximal element.\(\quad\square\)
 \(\quad\)Note that \(\mathbb{N}\in P(\mathbb{N})\), \(\mathbb{N} \subset P(\mathbb{N})\), and \(\bigcup\mathbb{N} =\mathbb{N}\).

1.12. Every finite set is T-finite.

Proof. \(\quad\)If \(F\) is a finite set, then there is a one-to-one mapping \(f\) of \(F\) onto some \(n\in\mathbb{N}\). Let \({A}\subset P(F)\) be a nonempty set and let \({B} = \{ f(X)\subset P(n) : X\in {A}\}\). \(B\) has a \(\subset\)-maximal element. It’s clear that for any \(X\) and \(Y\in A\), \(X\subset Y\) if and only if \(f(X)\subset f(Y)\). Therefore, \({A}\) has a \(\subset\)-maximal element.\(\quad\square\)

1.13. Every infinite set is T-infinite.
 \(\quad\)[If \(S\) is infinite, consider \(X =\{u\subset S : u\text{ is finite}\}\).]

Proof. \(\quad\)Since \(\emptyset\in X\), \(X\) is nonempty. If \(X\) has a \(\subset\)-maximal element \(m\), then \(S\smallsetminus m\neq \emptyset\); otherwise \(S\) is a subset of a finite set, a contradiction. Thus there exists \(x\in S\smallsetminus m\), and so \(m\subsetneq m\cup \{x\}\in X\), also a contradiction.\(\quad\square\)

1.14. The Separation Axioms follow from the Replacement Schema.
 \(\quad\)[Given \(\phi\), let \(F =\{(x,x) :\phi (x)\}\). Then \(\{x \in X :\phi (x)\} = F(X)\), for every \(X\).]

Proof. \(\quad\)Let \(\varphi(x, y)\) be \(x = y\wedge \phi(x)\). \(F =\{(x,x) :\phi(x)\} =\{(x,y) :\varphi(x,y)\}\). Since \(\forall x\forall y\forall z(\varphi(x,y)\wedge \varphi(x,z)\to y = z)\) holds, \(\varphi(x,y)\) is a functional formula. Therefore, we have that The Separation Axioms follow from the Replacement Schema.
 \(\quad\)\(F(X)\) \(=\) \(\{y : (\exists x\in X)\varphi(x, y)\}\) \(=\) \(\{y:(\exists x\in X)x = y\wedge\phi(x)\}\) \(=\) \(\{x:(\exists x\in X)\phi(x)\}\) \(=\) \(\{x\in X :\phi (x)\}\).\(\quad\square\)

1.15. Instead of Union, Power Set, and Replacement Axioms consider the following weaker versions:

 \(\quad\)(1.8) \(\forall X\exists Y\bigcup X\subset Y\), i.e., \(\forall X\exists Y(\forall x\in X)(\forall u\in x)u\in Y\),
 \(\quad\)(1.9) \(\forall X\exists Y P(X)\subset Y\), i.e., \(\forall X\exists Y\forall u(u\subset X\to u\in Y)\),
 \(\quad\)(1.10) If a class \(F\) is a function, then \(\forall X\exists Y F(X)\subset Y\).

Then axioms 1.4, 1.5, and 1.7 can be proved from (1.8), (1.9), and (1.10), using the Separation Schema (1.3).

Proof. \(\quad\)Using the Separation Schema,
 \(\quad\)(1.8) \(\implies\) \(\{ x\in Y : (\exists a\in X)x\in a\} = \bigcup X\),
 \(\quad\)(1.9) \(\implies\) \(\{ x\in Y : x\subset X\} = P(X)\),
 \(\quad\)(1.10) \(\implies\) \(\{ y\in Y : (\exists x\in X)\varphi(x,y,p) \} = F(X)\).\(\quad\square\)