A solutions manual for Algebra by Thomas W. Hungerford
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Introduction: Prerequisites and Preliminaries
Chapter I: Groups
- Semigroups, Monoids and Groups
- Homomorphisms and Subgroups
- Cyclic Groups
- Cosets and Counting
- Normality, Quotient Groups, and Homomorphisms
- Symmetric, Alternating, and Dihedral Groups
- Categories: Products, Coproducts, and Free Objects
- Direct Products and Direct Sums
- Free Groups, Free Products, Generators & Relations
Chapter II: The Structure of Groups
- Free Abelian Groups
- Finitely Generated Abelian Groups
- The Krull-Schmidt Theorem
- The Action of a Group on a Set
- The Sylow Theorems
- Classification of Finite Groups
- Nilpotent and Solvable Groups
- Normal and Subnormal Series
Chapter III: Rings
- Rings and Homomorphisms
- Ideals
- Factorization in Commutative Rings
- Rings of Quotients and Localization
- Rings of Polynomials and Formal Power Series
- Factorization in Polynomial Rings
Chapter IV: Modules
- Modules, Homomorphisms and Exact Sequences
- Free Modules and Vector Spaces
- Projective and Injective Modules
- Hom and Duality
- Tensor Products
- Modules over a Principal Ideal Domain
- Algebras
Chapter V: Fields and Galois Theory
- Field Extensions
- The Fundamental Theorem
- Splitting Fields, Algebraic Closure and Normality
- The Galois Group of a Polynomial
- Finite Fields
- Separability
- Cyclic Extensions
- Cyclotomic Extensions
- Radical Extensions
Chapter VI: The Structure of Fields
- Transcendence Bases
- Linear Disjointness and Separability
Chapter VII: Linear Algebra
- Matrices and Maps
- Rank and Equivalence
- Determinants
- Decomposition of a Single Linear Transformation and Similarity
- The Characteristic Polynomial, Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
Chapter VIII: Commutative Rings and Modules
- Chain Conditions
- Prime and Primary Ideals
- Primary Decomposition
- Noetherian Rings and Modules
- Ring Extensions
- Dedekind Domains
- The Hilbert Nullstellensatz
Chapter IX: The Structure of Rings
- Simple and Primitive Rings
- The Jacobson Radical
- Semisimple Rings
- The Prime Radical; Prime and Semiprime Rings
- Algebras
- Division Algebras
Chapter X: Categories
- Functors and Natural Transformations
- Adjoint Functors
- Morphisms